



  • 如果您的乳房肿胀,通过泵奶或手动吸奶让乳房中的乳汁流出来,从而使乳房恢复到舒适的状态,能够缓解乳房肿胀以及防止乳腺炎。
  • 如果您的宝宝还不会吮吸母乳,通过手动或电动的方式不断把乳房里的乳汁吸出来,可以促进您的母乳分泌,并且保证宝宝能够吃好,直到宝宝可以自己吸乳。
  • 如果您没有足够的母乳来哺喂宝宝,哺喂之后泵奶或手动吸奶可以把乳房里的乳汁全部吸出来,刺激母乳分泌,从而帮助您有更多的母乳来哺喂宝宝。
  • 如果您要定期离开宝宝,或者要回去上班,您需要泵出足够的乳汁以备在不在家时哺喂宝宝。
  • 如果您的乳头扁平、倒垂或凹陷,吸奶器能够把乳头外翻,也能帮助宝宝扶住您的乳房。

1. 舒缓充盈的乳房
2. 较长时间地暂停哺乳,以缓解乳头疼痛
3. 刺激乳汁分泌
4. 吸出母乳备用
5. 部分或全部改用奶瓶喂养,以便让妈妈们有更多的灵活性,或者让伴侣更多地参与进来。
6. 帮助不能直接亲喂母乳的妈妈实现母乳喂养。



  • 在早上分泌的乳汁较多。
  • 乳汁量从白天到晚上逐渐减少。
  • 乳汁量会受许多变量影响,每个乳房的产乳量可能不同。


首次使用MAM美安萌二合一吸奶器前及今后每次使用后,所有接触乳房及乳汁的部件都必须拆开进行清洗和消毒。 必须使用饮用水进行清洁。

请勿对导管或者吸奶器机座进行消毒。 请勿清洗导管内部,乳汁不会进入导管内部。 组装与使用吸奶器前,先晾干或用毛巾擦干产品。潮湿的产品部件会影响电动吸奶器的使用。




吸出的母乳可以在MAM美安萌防胀气奶瓶内冷藏保存24 小时。这意味着母乳随时可用。
MAM美安萌防胀气奶瓶和 MAM美安萌储藏奶瓶可以被直接旋在手动吸乳泵上。这保证了每一滴珍贵的母乳都不浪费。


打造完美母乳喂养Team的秘诀: 放轻松,母乳喂养很多时候不是立马就能成功的。有时候妈妈和宝宝需要通过一段时间来适应彼此,但是从那之后,事情就都变得简单多了。简直无与伦比! 母乳喂养提供安全感。宝宝出生后的第一感觉,嗅觉和视力是建立良好关系的基础。婴儿在出生后也需要休息一下,然后立即开始寻找乳房。


1. 每次哺乳后,在乳头上涂抹乳头保护霜,防止乳头皲裂。
3. 不要等到宝宝非常饥饿的时候再进行喂奶。

2. 将蝴蝶保护翼向上卷起。
3. 将乳头保护贴放置在乳 头上,平展蝴蝶保护翼。
4.检查保护贴是否与乳头大小匹配,哺乳时将乳头保护贴紧密贴合在乳房上。乳贴可放入高压锅消毒(最高温:134°C,最长时间: 18分钟)。不要将乳头保护贴用做安抚奶嘴或者奶嘴。不要裁剪保护翼

MAM美安萌乳头保护贴可以储存在自带的便携消毒盒中。消毒盒可以安全、清洁地储藏乳贴,方便外出携带。在首次使用前或者必要时,需要对 MAM美安萌乳头保护贴进行消毒清洁。可以使用开水、蒸汽消毒器或市面上销售的温和婴儿餐具消毒溶液进行消毒。你也可以使用MAM美安萌乳头保护贴自带的消毒盒放入微波炉中进行消毒(参见乳头保护贴说明书)。







到目前为止,尚不清楚新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)是否会通过母亲的母乳传播给宝宝。但是,根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)和母乳喂养医学会(Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine)的资料,迄今为止所进行的研究尚未发现母乳中存在冠状病毒。

鉴于目前的少数研究尚未在母乳中发现冠状病毒(参见美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)、母乳喂养医学会(Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine)),您可以按照一般建议储存母乳:

MAM Move

Before using your pump for the first time and after each use, it is recommended, to separate, clean and sterilise all pump components that come into contact with breast milk. (Do NOT wash or sterilise the electric pump motor and keep it dry.):

  1. Disassemble your pump
  2. Wash all washable components by hand or in the dishwasher.
  3. Fig. 1
  4. Sterilise the cleaned pump parts in boiling water, in an electric or microwave steam steriliser or in cold sterilising liquid.
  5. To clean the electric pump unit, unplug the appliance, switch it off and wipe it with a clean, damp cloth. The appliance must not be immersed in water.
  6. Allow all parts of the pump to fully cool and dry before next use.

For more information on cleaning and sterilising please read the printed instruction leaflet that you received with your MAM Move or the instructions on our Website

For hygiene purposes, please wash your hands thoroughly before assembling the breast pump.

  1. Make sure all parts are dry before putting them together.
  2. Attach the diaphragm (3) to the transparent funnel adapter (2).
  3. Attach the valve (4) to the transparent funnel adapter (2).
  4. Push the well assembled transparent funnel adapter (2) into the electric pump unit (1) until you hear it click. Make sure its assembled in place.
  5. Attach the milk collector (9) to the transparent funnel adapter (2) by screwing the milk collector anti-clockwise. The end position is indicated by markings on both the milk collector (9) and the transparent funnel adapter (2). Important: Make sure to not overscrew – this could damage the thread.
  6. Push the silicone funnel (5) into the transparent funnel adapter (2). For correct alignment, pay attention to the three markings on the edge of the silicone funnel (5), which should align with those on the electric pump unit.

MAM Move offers four different funnel sizes: A silicone funnel (∅ 24 mm) with three smaller size inserts (∅ 21 mm, ∅ 17 mm, ∅ 15 mm). If the standard funnel (∅ 24 mm) is too big for you, one of the three inserts can be placed in the center of the funnel.
In order to find the right funnel size for you, measure the size of your nipple (not your areola) at the end of a pumping or breastfeeding session and select the corresponding funnel.

Tips for getting the best fit:

  • The best size will fit around your nipple (no areola) closely.
  • If you have elastic (stretchy) nipples a snug fit is very important.
  • If you have flat nipple, sometimes looser sizing can be more comfortable.
  • If you have been using the wrong funnel size and have swollen or damaged nipples, you may need to let your nipples settle to visualize size accurately.
  • Funnel fit is very unique as every nipple behaves differently during pumping. Plan to try different sizes along your pumping journey to find the best fit.

MAM Move Wearable Breast Pump offers three different pumping modes:

  1. Stimulation mode, produces a short, quick pumping rhythm which stimulates the milk flow,
  2. Expression mode, for efficient milk expression and
  3. Silent mode, for extra discreet and peaceful pumping.

To switch between the three modes press the Mode button.

Every of the three modes can be adjusted to five different levels of suction strength, giving control over what feels comfortable and works most efficiently in every mode.

  1. Wash your hands with soap and your breasts and nipples using a warm wash cloth and clean fresh water.
  2. Squeeze a little bit of milk out of each nipple to make sure the milk ducts are not clogged.
  3. Ensure that all parts of the pump are clean and disinfected.
  4. Make sure that the pump is properly assembled and fully screwed onto the milk collector.
  5. Ensure that the battery is fully charged.

MAM Move is designed to be worn with your standard nursing bra. The pump needs to be firmly pressed against your breast, there should be no gaps between pump and breast. Every bra has a different level of support, so make sure to get the compression right before each session. If you are using a particularly structured and inflexible bra, the included Bra Adjuster may be used to create more room:

Once the buckle of each end is attached to the nursing bra, adjust the length of the Bra Adjuster so that the pump fits securely and comfortably in your bra.

MAM Move Wearable Breast Pump can be used in either a sitting or standing position.

The milk collector of MAM Move collects up to 150ml / 5 oz per pump. The time it takes to pump depends on your individual milk flow.

The battery of MAM Move lasts for two hours (depending on the chosen Mode and intensity level), it takes one and a half hours until the pump is fully charged.

  • Charge immediately after finishing your pumping session if lower battery is indicated.
  • The remaining battery power can be checked by pressing the + and - buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds and counting how many indicators light up (the pump has to be switched off). Each indicator represents about 20% remaining power.

Each MAM Move contains an extra valve and an extra diaphragm, as we are aware that such small parts can easily get lost. You can find the spare parts in a plastic bag in the small carton box inside your Move packaging.

If you require additional replacement parts due to damage or loss, please contact our customer service.


Unwanted electrical equipment is the UKs fastest growing type of waste. Many electrical items can be repaired or recycled, saving natural resources and the environment. If you do not recycle, electrical equipment will end up in landfill where hazardous substances will leak out and cause soil and water contamination – harming wildlife and also human health.
To remind you that old electrical equipment can be recycled, it is now marked with a crossed-out wheeled bin symbol. Please do not throw any electrical equipment (including those marked with the crossed out wheeled bin symbol) in your bin.

What is WEEE?
The Waste Electrical or Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive requires countries to maximise separate collection and environmentally friendly processing of these items. In the UK, distributors (including retailers) must provide a system which allows all customers buying new electrical equipment the opportunity to recycle their old items free of charge. Those establishing their own take-back scheme must as a minimum offer all customers buying new electrical equipment free take back of their old electricals on a like-for-like basis.

Find more information about WEEE recycling and where to locate your local recycling centre at https://repic.co.uk/consumers

You can recycle your old electricals with us.
We are pleased to offer our customers the chance to recycle their old electrical items. When buying a new electrical item from us you can return your old one bought in the online shop on mambaby.com/gb to us and we will ensure it is correctly recycled. Postage and customs duty is at your own cost. You can return your item to:
MAM-Hungária Kft
HU-9795 Vaskeresztes Fő út 132.
Online Shop Warehouse